AngularJS controllers act as the glue between views and services. A controller often invokes a method in a service to get data that it stores in a scope variable so that it can be displayed by the view. In this module, you create two controllers: SessionsCtrl manages the session list view, and SessionCtrl manages the session details view.
The two controllers you create in this module use the Session service defined in the module. To add as a dependency to the starter.controller module:
Open conference/js/controllers.js
Add as a dependency to make the Session service available to the controllers:
angular.module('starter.controllers', [''])
In controllers.js, delete PlayListsCtrl (plural)
Replace it with a controller named SessionsCtrl that retrieves the list of conference sessions using the Session service and stores it in a scope variable named sessions:
.controller('SessionsCtrl', function($scope, Session) {
$scope.sessions = Session.query();
In controllers.js, delete PlayListCtrl (singular)
Replace it with a controller named SessionCtrl that retrieves a specific session using the Session service and stores it in a scope variable named session:
.controller('SessionCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, Session) {
$scope.session = Session.get({sessionId: $stateParams.sessionId});