Module 18: Add Native Share Feature

In this section, we add the ability to share the session details through the device's native sharing options.


  1. Add the social sharing plugin to your project:

    $ ionic plugin add
  2. In session.html, wire the share tab to the shareNative function in the controllers.js via ng-click:

    <a class="tab-item" ng-click="shareNative()">
        <i class="icon ion-share"></i> Share
  3. Open controllers.js and define the shareNative function to the sessionCtrl as follows:

    $scope.shareNative = function() {
            if (window.plugins && window.plugins.socialsharing) {
                window.plugins.socialsharing.share("I'll be attending the session: " + $scope.session.title + ".",
                    'PhoneGap Day 2014', null, "",
                    function() {
                    function (error) {
                        console.log("Share fail " + error)
            else console.log("Share plugin not available");
  4. Test the Application

The options shown here will depend on your particular devices' native sharing options.