Module 3: Best Practice - Single Page Architecture


Single page applications are popular and considered the best approach for hybrid app development. In a single page application, state changes occur via JavaScript using templates and DOM manipulation rather than making calls to a server to return an HTML page. The logic stays on the client side and routing and templates are used to manipulate views when actions occur.

Numerous popular frameworks support this concept (Angular, Ember etc) and have it built-in to the framework. In those cases you will define your routes and templates as the framework prescribes.


  1. Open up the lib/router.js file and look through the code. This library is just a simple routing mechanism based on hash tag routing.

  2. Now open www/js/app.js and take a look at the routes being used for this application:

    service.initialize().done(function () {
         router.addRoute('', function() {
             slider.slidePage(new HomeView(service).render().$el);
        router.addRoute('items/:id', function(id) {
            service.findById(parseInt(id)).done(function(item) {
                slider.slidePage(new ItemView(item).render().$el);

When the URL is empty (no additional parameters), we show the home view with the list of items. However if we find the URL contains /items with a given id, then we look up the id and show the ItemView for that item.

PageSlider is a simple library providing hardware accelerated page transitions for Mobile Apps

  1. Open www/js/HomeView.js and notice how you can render template content within another template, for example, the ListView items are populated here within the content tag of the home template when the HomeView is rendered.

         this.render = function() {
             $('.content', this.$el).html(listView.$el);
              return this;
         this.findByName = function() {
             service.findByName($('.search-key').val()).done(function(items) {
         this.findAll = function() {
             service.findAll().done(function(items) {

See this workshop for a better understanding of how this architecture was put together.