Module 4: Performance Tip - Handle Click Delay


A 300ms~ delay occurs when you tap on a target in hybrid mobile app before firing a click event because the mobile browser is waiting roughly that long to see if the user is going to tap the target again to perform a double-tap to zoom. One popular solution to fix this issue is to use FastClick. FastClick solves this by looking for TouchStart events in the app and then fires a click event as soon as the corresponding TouchEnd event is received.


  1. Test this in the application on your iOS device or in the iOS emulator (this will not work on the browser). Tap the info button on the header again or click on a list item and notice the delay before the dialog appears.

    This delay occurs because the operating system is waiting roughly 300ms to see if the user is going to tap the target again (and therefore perform a double-tap).

  2. In www/index.html, add the following script tag:

    <script src="lib/fastclick.js"></script>

    FastClick is an open source library built by the Financial Times. More information about exactly how it works and why they built it can be found here.

  3. In www/js/app.js, register FastClick inside the deviceready event handler. This is all you have to do and FastClick takes care of the rest automatically.


  4. Test out the change in the application by clicking the info button or tapping list items again, there’s no longer a delay.

You could also check out this demo from a mobile app to see the difference in milliseconds for the registered events.