Module 5: Add Swipeout Handling


In this step we’ll add a common mobile UX feature to our app to make it more useful; swipeouts. Swipeouts allow you to swipe left or right over list elements to reveal further actions.

The iOS Reminders app is a good example of an app using swipeouts:


  1. Take a moment to review the Framework7 Swipeout Docs

  2. Open index.html, locate the results template and within the list, add the swipeout class to the existing <li> tag such as:

    <li class="swipeout">

  3. Now add a new <div> element with the class of swipeout-content just below the <li> and ending </div> just before the </li>

     <div class="swipeout-content">
         {{#each tracks.items}}
         <!-- Workshop - add swipeout-->
         <li class="swipeout">
         <div class="swipeout-content">
             <a href="#" class="item-link item-content"
             data-context="{{stringify this}}"
             <div class="item-media">
                 <img width="80" src="{{this.album.images[0].url}}">
             <div class="item-inner">
                 <div class="item-title-row">
                 <div class="item-title">{{}}</div>
                 <div class="item-after">{{durationFromMs this.duration_ms}}</div>
                 <div class="item-subtitle">{{this.artists[0].name}}</div>
                 <div class="item-text">{{}}</div>
  4. Add the following snippet just before the closing </li>. This code will create the action itself with a link containing a share class that we’ll listen to for clicks(taps) and pass along the index of the item clicked. It also sets a different share icon based on the platform.

             <!-- Swipeout actions right -->                
             <div class="swipeout-actions-right">
                 <!-- Swipeout actions links/buttons -->
                 <a href="#" class="share" data-item="{{@index}}">
                 {{#if @global.material}}
                     <i class="icon fa fa-share-alt fa-3x"></i></a>
                     <i class="icon fa fa-share fa-3x"></i></a>
  5. In the above definition we have an icon which acts as a button in the swipeout-actions-right but it doesn’t actually do anything yet. It requires click handling code to invoke a share feature that will be added in the next lesson.

  6. Run your app to ensure you see the new swipeout action on the right side when you swipe on a list item.

    IMPORTANT: Based on the Framework7 docs, the swipeout support will not work well in the browser so you should test this feature via the PhoneGap Developer App or the CLI locally.