Module 12: Add to Calendar Native Feature

In this section, we add the ability to add a session to the native calendar on the device.


  1. Add this calendar plugin to your project:

    $ phonegap plugin add
  2. In index.html, add the following tab to the tab-bar session-tpl template:

    <div class="addBtn tab-item">
        <span class="icon icon-plus"></span>
        <span class="tab-label">Add</span>
  3. In the initialize() function of SessionView, register an event listener for the click event of the addBtn tab.

    this.$el.on('click', '.addBtn', this.addToCalendar);

    Make sure you add this line as the last line of the initialize() function (after this.$el is assigned).

  4. While in SessionView, define the addToCalendar event handler as follows:

    this.addToCalendar = function() {
        if (window.plugins.calendar) {
            var hour = session.time.substring(0,session.time.indexOf(':'));
            if (session.time.indexOf("pm")>-1)
                hour = parseInt(hour)+12;
            var startDate = new Date(2014,9,23,hour,00,00); //set to PG Day workshop date
            var endDate = new Date();
            endDate.setTime(startDate.getTime() + 3600000);//one hour
            var calSuccess = function (message) {
                alert(session.title + " has been added to your calendar.");
            var calError = function (message) {
                alert("Error: " + message);
            window.plugins.calendar.createEvent(session.title,, session.description, startDate, endDate,
                function(){alert(session.title + " has been added to your calendar.");}, function (error) {
                    console.log("Calendar fail " + error);
        else console.log("Calendar plugin not found");
  5. Test the Application

When you click the add or plus tab, you should see a notification popup and a new entry added to your native calendar on October 23rd: such as below:

On the simulator use shift+cmd+h to get to the home screen to find the calendar to verify.