Module 12: Add Native Share Feature

In this section, we add the ability to share the session details through the device's native sharing options.


  1. Add the social sharing plugin to your project:

    $ phonegap plugin add
  2. In index.html, add the following tab to the tab bar in the session-tpl template:

    <div class="shareBtn tab-item">
        <span class="icon icon-share"></span>
        <span class="tab-label">Share</span>
  3. In the initialize() function of SessionView, register an event listener for the click event of the share tab.

    this.$el.on('click', '.shareBtn', this.share);

    Make sure you add this line as the last line of the initialize() function (after this.$el is assigned).

  4. While in SessionView, define the share event handler as follows:

    this.share = function() {
      if (window.plugins.socialsharing) {
          window.plugins.socialsharing.share("I'll be attending the session: " + session.title + ".",
              'PhoneGap Day 2014', null, "",
              function () {
              function (error) {
                  console.log("Share fail " + error)
      else console.log("Share plugin not found");
  5. Test the Application

The options shown here will depend on your particular devices' native sharing options.